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December 01, 2009

"Letting Go of God" on Showtime

Julia Sweeney's "Letting Go of God" will be airing on Showtime, Showtime 2, and Showtime Showcase.

Here's the description:

Actress and comic Julia Sweeney chronicles her tumultuous journey of faith from lapsed Catholic recommitting to the church to Buddhist, New Age mystic, and finally atheist whose philosophical transformation upsets her family in this fascinating one-woman stage show that follows up her acclaimed "God Said, 'Ha!'"

Here's the schedule:

  • Dec 2, 10:45 AM (Showtime Showcase)
  • Dec 2, 9:35 PM (Showtime Showcase)
  • Dec 5, 1:30 PM (Showtime Showcase)
  • Dec 7, 8:00 PM (Showtime 2)
  • Dec 8, 5:30 PM (Showtime)

I haven't seen it yet (and I don't get Showtime), but I have heard the CD version (the audio of her one-woman show), and that is very good. It's interesting, funny, and poignant, and I highly recommend it.

Here's the trailer:

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December 1, 2009 in Film, Religion, Religions, Cults, and Miracles, Television | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack