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August 25, 2007

Some Recent Reading

It's been months since I posted anything here. What can I say? I've been busy. Our local skeptics group, REALL, hosted a stop on Victor J. Stenger's book tour in June, which was cool.

My recent reading has included:

I highly recommend all three books, particularly the two by Jared Diamond.

Currently I'm reading Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, by Robert D. Putnam. So far I'm only about halfway through it, but it's been very interesting, so I recommend it, too. However, it came out in 2000, so for the full story I'll need to read his followup book, Better Together: Restoring the American Community.

Well, I'll try to write more later. I just wanted to confirm that I'm not dead yet!

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It's good to know that you are not dead. I really liked those books. I think that Guns, Germs, and Steel in particular was one of the all-time great answers to the claim that Western civilization came to rule the world because "God is on our side".

Posted by: marc | Sep 12, 2007 9:48:56 AM

Well, its been a quarter of a year now!

Whazza matta? You can't find chumps to write about? I see that Ernest Angeley is back in the saddle!

Not to mention some other moron who is going on and on about the Middle East.

Posted by: Bill | Nov 10, 2007 6:15:08 PM

to the guys who own the blog "Please run a story on the following article

Evolution and intelligent design are set for a showdown in Texas.

Just weeks after Florida education officials approved an evolution-heavy curriculum over the objections of religious conservatives, two pro-intelligent design candidates will vie for seats on the Texas Board of Education.

The board selects textbooks and decides what Texas children are taught. Later this year, the state will review its science curriculum; observers fear that creationist explanations of life's origins will be presented as scientifically valid alternatives to evolution.

There's ample reason to think intelligent design -- a theory that views so-called irreducible complexities to be proof of divine intervention, and was discredited legally and scientifically two years ago during the Kitzmiller v. Dover case -- could mount a comeback in Texas.

State science education official Chris Comer was fired last November after telling friends and colleagues about a lecture critical of intelligent design. The 15-member Board of Education is roughly balanced between supporters and opponents of evolution -- but the March 4 board election features two pro-ID candidates, both running against pro-evolution incumbents.

The Associated Press reports that would-be board member Lupe Gonzalez, a retired school administrator, wants intelligent design given "equal weight" with evolution in school textbooks. The second challenger, retired urologist Barney Maddox, considers the state's current science curriculum an attempt to "brainwash our children into believing evolution."

Concerned about the situation? Then email your friends in District 2 and District 11 and tell them to vote for incumbents Mary Helen Berlanga and Pat Hardy, both of whom have a long track record of voting in favor of scientifically accurate evolution education.

Berlanga is a Democrat and Hardy a Republican, but that shouldn't matter. Reason and intellectual coherency transcend party affiliation.

Only in texas i guess sad but true

Posted by: frank sheehan | Feb 28, 2008 1:25:50 AM

good article

thank you for informations.

Posted by: yuju | Mar 4, 2008 12:05:03 PM

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