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March 05, 2007

More Stenger News

God: The Failed Hypothesis by Victor J. Stenger has now shown up at #21 on the March 11 edition of the New York Times Best Seller List in the Hardcover Nonfiction category. The God Delusion is at #12 and Letter to a Christian Nation is at #24.

Blogcritics has an interview with Victor Stenger.

There's also an interview with Victor Stenger in the March 3 Point of Inquiry podcast.

ExChristian.net has a brief article about the book and the advertising campaign.

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March 5, 2007 in Religions, Cults, and Miracles | Permalink


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Just poking around the internet and saw your post on the flat earth. I am reminded of being taught the flat earth myth when I was a child growing up in Tennessee not far from where the Scopes trial was held. Ironic, ain't it?

Now it will be a real breakthrough when the skeptics go back and re-check the Galileo story. Did Galileo get convicted for contradicting the Bible? In a narrow, pedantic sense, this is true. Jesus was convicted and crucified for organizing a revolt against Rome, but everyone knows that wasn't the real issue. If intellectuals had not had a higher view of Aristotle than the Bible, would anyone have noticed or cared about the verses in the Bible that Galileo contradicted? When I review what happened with the Inquisition, it seems quite a novelty for someone to have been condemned on the basis of contradicting a Bible verse. Not even Luther was honored this way, because the Catholic Church was only interested in power and money.

Anyway, the Catholic church seems to have been happy to let Galileo continue doing and writing about science while under arrest. I have visions of soldiers delivering pizza to the lab and asking Galileo what he was working on, but perhaps that is just my imagination at work.

Posted by: Looney | Mar 16, 2007 2:04:41 PM

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