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December 28, 2006

Barbara Forrest on Kitzmiller v. Dover

Via The Panda's Thumb, I found this article by Barbara Forrest that nicely summarizes the Kitzmiller decision.

My jaw dropped open when I read this bit:

In August, a mural depicting human evolution, painted by a 1998 graduating senior and donated to the science department, disappeared from a science classroom. The four-by-sixteen-foot painting had been propped on a chalkboard tray because custodians refused to mount it on the wall. Spahr learned that the building and grounds supervisor had ordered it burned. In June 2004, board member William Buckingham, Bonsell’s co-instigator of the ID policy, told Spahr that he “gleefully watched it burn” because he disliked its portrayal of evolution.

That's just bizarre! There's just something about religion that seems to make some people lose all sense of right and wrong. I'm wondering how the former student who painted it felt about it when he heard the news. Hopefully he at least has a picture of it.

If anyone manages to find a photo of this mural online, I'd like to see it.

On a completely unrelated note, this reminds me of the story of what happened to the last dodo. After its death, it was stuffed and put in a museum. After a time it was put in a storeroom. Eventually the head of the museum had it burned. As a result, we now don't even have a stuffed dodo, much less one that's living.

And speaking of dodos, is anyone going to be attending a showing of Flock of Dodos Official this Darwin Day?

Well, enough with that tangent. Go read about Kitzmiller!

Link: The “Vise Strategy” Undone.

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December 28, 2006 in Creationism and Evolution | Permalink


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